Top 10 Scariest Scenes From IT (2017)
IT has the distinction of being one of the scariest movies of 2017, but of all the bone chilling moments, which one scared us the most? WatchMojo presents the Top 10 Most Terrifying Scenes from 2017s IT! But what will take the top spot on our list? Will it be The Projector Scene, the Georgie Puppet, or Georgie's Death?! Watch to find out!
#10. The Deadlights
#9. Henry Bowers Kills His Father
#8. The Burning Hands
#7. The Painting
#6. The Headless Chase
#5. The Clown Doll Room
#4. Pennywise Emerges from the Fridge
#3, #2, #1 ?
#10. The Deadlights
#9. Henry Bowers Kills His Father
#8. The Burning Hands
#7. The Painting
#6. The Headless Chase
#5. The Clown Doll Room
#4. Pennywise Emerges from the Fridge
#3, #2, #1 ?